Sure, of course! Most people viewing your site or content will see it on their mobile device. This is why it is so important to always optimize your content for mobile devices. Be it a YouTube video that you need to size so people can always read and see what’s happening, or a Facebook post with an image with writing that might not be viewable on a phone.
This also applies to your website. People don’t just use their smartphones for social media. Equally important is making sure your website is fully responsive on all device sizes. Why is that so important? If your website is only designed for larger screen sizes, certain breaks will occur when viewed on a tablet or phone. Just because you’re using a website builder doesn’t always mean that the size will be consistent or resize correctly when viewed smaller.
What About Content Marketing on Your Mobile? Since people spend most of their media consumption on their smartphones, the content they want to watch should be mobile-friendly. So when you create a blog, don’t assume that it will only be read on one computer. There is a chance that people will read this on their way to work, during their lunch break, or anywhere they want to take a short break. This content should be super easy to digest, without large chunks of text, and a text size that’s easy to see.
When you create content specifically for smartphones, you might think of apps that people regularly use on their phones. This can be Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat. Then consider how you can use these media to best represent your company. If you have content that’s created specifically for a specific platform and keeps current trends in mind, it’s much more likely to gain some level of traction.